bristlenose catfish and clown pleco


New Member
Jan 15, 2005
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I was wondering if I could keep a clown pleco and a bristlenose catfish in a 23 gallon tank. I know I will have to furnish them with driftwood and a couple of places for them to hide. I also understand that the pleco should have another one to interact with but they can fight if there is not enough room for them. I am afraid if I would get another one I would not be able to get an algae eater and that is what I was told the clown pleco was when I got it. Any advice would be appreciated.
Give them plenty of caves and crevices and they will thrive, clown plecs won't eat algae, funny someone would tell you that :p
Dwarfs said:
Give them plenty of caves and crevices and they will thrive, clown plecs won't eat algae, funny someone would tell you that :p
That's right, clowns are mostly meat eaters which occasionally like a bit of vegatable matter. They may have the odd suck at the algae but they certainly won't make an impact on it.

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