i got two bristlenose plecos for my 55g a few months ago and pretty much right off the bat i never saw the male, in fact for a while i thought he had gotten trapped under the rocks he'd burrow under and died. i finally found him when i was rearranging the tank and he scared the crap out of me when he came darting out from a rock i was moving well he burrowed again and i didn't see him again for a long time. when i was doing a water change i noticed something at the surface on the glass and thought it was a snail at first and upon looking closer it was a bristlenost fry! i never even knew that was going on. the fry was moved and is doing great and the male was out and about a little when he didn't think i was watching. now he's claimed another little cavelike area and is chasing anyone out of the area and also chases the female bnose around when he sees her, which is a lot since she keeps coming up to his hiding spot. i think she looks a little chunkier now too, so maybe she's holding eggs. so maybe i'll be able to get some more bnose fry! (and hopefully get more than one out of the batch)