bristlenose breeding


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2004
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I love these little guys and have just started to arrange breeding enviroments for them just wondering at what size are the bristlenose around the breeding stages (matureity) and the males are the one with the whisker right at what size do they develope these
My male started to develop bristles at around 2.5 inches but your mileage may vary. That is also the approx. size when they become sexually mature as well. If yours is anywhere between 2 - 3 inches, there is a chance that they are ready...
Hi, I have golden bristlies which breed very often :D However mine are fully grown. If you can get something which is just big enough for him to fit into (like a barnacle) he will love it. I put the barnacle back in the tank last weekend and removed him with some eggs on Thursday :D The eggs were just hatching so had been in there for a few days.
Good luck, it's wonderful when you see lots of orange eggs.
Hi, at a guess, I would say about 5 months, but it depends on what they are fed and water changes etc, as to how quick they grow :)
the male we kept from our first batch of fry is now about 2"...

I'lljust have a look for my rather elated "we've got eggs" thread :D
we got our first batch of eggs on Jun 9 2004.

so sharktale's guess was right on the button - 5 months today infact!.


[edit] he's about 2.5" actually (just over :D)

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