Bristlenose Breeding.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
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hi there, having successfully bred betta's about a year ago and loving the challenge of it, i am keen to breed some more fish.
i have always like the BN's so i thought i would give those a go.
i already have two of them, but the female is a common and around 3.5inches, and the male ive got was labelled up as marbled in the shop, but i dont think thats what theyre called is it? anyway ive had him a year and he's still only about 2.5 inches so hes not a common.

theyve been together in my 21 gal for about a year now, and never bred, so im guessing they wont as theyre different types?i just thought that would make for some cool offspring!

ive got a 10 gal set up with nothing in it, ready for a breeding pair, ive been around about 5 shops and tried to look for a sexable male but theyre all too young as usual, the good news is, i also asked if they would buy the offspring once they were old enough and they said yea, as they are a good selling fish.

i'll get some pics of my two to stop this thread boring people!

thanks, sam
I have 3 'marbled' or 'calico' BNs and my sister has 2. I'm very interested to see how these grow as mine are only youngsters at the moment. There are many subspecies of bristlenose, and this explains why some grow at different rates.

BNs are very easy to breed with water changes and good food and water flow, ours just keeping breeding and we don't really do anything special for them. You probably know that you must provide a cave for them and they need bogwood to rasp on as well.

I have an adult male BN for sale in Market Place who's only about 10 months old but nearly full size, he's a lovely fish, quite dark in colour and would have bred already but I have other adult male BNs that are more dominant.

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