Bristlenose Babies!


I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
Well, now I know why Mr Bristlenose Plec has been hiding for the last week. Tonight, right before the tank lights clicked off I saw three or four fry!!!

The eggs must have been laid inside my fake mangrove root which surprises me because that's the female plecs favourite ornament and Bristlenoses usually lay eggs in the males hidey spot.

Anyway I'm really pleased and I can't wait to get some photos :wub:
longhorn13 said:
congrats! do they still have their yolk sacs?
No, it doesnt look as though they do as I am assuming that is something that would be fairly noticable?
Congrats Sun and its a great feeling when you see them for the first time isn't it now you can watch them grow just lik ei do mine

:angel: :devil: Lilfishie :devil: :angel:
Hey Lil, not seen you in chat for a while, was going to send you a pm tonight to let you know :hyper:

What do you feed yours on?
Not the best pic I know but just to give you an indication of size. The baby is on the left hand 'leg' of the fake mangrove.

Yeah i see the lil fellow my youngest set are about twice the size and the older set are twice as big as them
Dad has pretty much left them now (although he still goes to check on them every 10 mins or so :rolleyes: ) so they've started to venture out of the mangrove root. I saw one of them right over the other side of the tank by the filters tonight :huh:
More and more keep appearing every day! I've seen 10 today.

Managed to measure one that was sucking on the front glass last night and it was 15mm :hyper:
Having lost a couple of babies I think the final count is now 21, small batch I know but I still love them to bits :wub:

I've got a new photograph of one of the babies next to it's 4" Mum. You should see the size difference!

I will post the pic for you when I get home from work.
Awww that's too cute :wub:

still no babies yet from my bunch, but have def got an albino male and a dark male so lets hope the smaller 2 albinos are female :)

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