Bristlenose Babies!


New Member
Jul 8, 2007
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My bristlenoses have laid eggs... yay... and now they're finally 'wrigling'! How long will it be till they're free swimming?? also any advice on raising them as I never have before and they're in a community tank so i fear they might not last long :(
If they're anything like angel eggs which I'm sure they are, they will be swimming in about 3 days after they begin wiggling. Hehe my angel eggs are starting to wiggle as well. ALso how do you get bristlenoses to breed? I am only good with cichlids, I want to eventually breed gouramis/cories/and Bristlenoses as well.
should be in the catfish section but anyways mine normally take 5 days to hatch but all depends on setup stats and temp but basically dad will look after them till they are swimming free and will stay close by they are really easy to breed so you should be alright

cheers dane
If the dad does his job well it can be anything upto 2 weeks before he'll let them out... they will be free swimming but still in the cave..
Yes, the father will protect them for a time, although I had 2 quite large batches and about half swam out of the shell they were in. I wasn't planning to breed, hence the shell being too small but it just happened. There were too many to count but there are loads of them so I assume they did okay.

Ensure they have plenty of cover, and food and they should be okay. The tank will get dirtier quicker as they get bigger, be prepared for more cleaning until you get them homed...

I haven't a clue how to get these fish to breed. I do have 2 caves for them but for some reason they preferred a crappy small shell I picked up on the beach that the dad could just about fit into. I removed it as I have too many, and they haven't bred since.
Thanks very much, they are free swimming now but are still under the log (i can see them through a small gap). In response to ArauraDiscus, i have to idea how to breed them sorry, I got the two bristlenoses when they were small and it was only luck one was male and the other female, i didn't do anything special for them, as I said they're in a comunity tank so I wasn't planning on breding them. There was a resonably large piece of wood in my tank and they just scraped away the stones under it and liked to hide there. Looks like i just got lucky :D .
The best way that I found to get them to breed is to do a fairly large water change with water slightly cooler than the tank they are in. This simulates the rainy season. Works for cories also.
Congrats on the babies, Bristlenose babies are so cute. The same happened to me except i got back from my holidays to a tank full of baby plecs i was well shocked, what fish do you have in the community?

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