Bristlenose Ailment


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I haven't seen my bristlenose out in the open for a couple of weeks but recently he came out of his usual hiding spot and I noticed an unusual bump on him. It's located on his right side right where the fin joins the body. It looks like a wart or maybe a miniature fungus that you might find on a tree. It's about the size of a pea. It doesn't seem to bother him and none of my other fish have anything like this.

Is this something I should worry about and if so, and idea what it might be? The obvious guess is that it's a fungus. My inclination is to leave it alone since it does not seem to be affecting him, although who knows with plecs. Treating him would mean either trying to catch him, which may cause more stress than it's worth, and setting up a hospital tank, or treating the whole tank. Neither choice seems ideal.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the color is a very light brown.

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