just looked in my tank and a few bristle worms are eating my red flame scallop. i didnt even know this was possible but they totally ripped him out his shell and are eating away at what is left of him. how do i kill these damn worms ?
just looked in my tank and a few bristle worms are eating my red flame scallop. i didnt even know this was possible but they totally ripped him out his shell and are eating away at what is left of him. how do i kill these damn worms ?
How do you remove a bristle worm? i have got some new live rock with atleast one living in it, at first i though it was only small but it could be 7-8" long!
I have a torch coral and a couple of mushrooms and have read that the worm will start eating the corals, is this true? Also is there anything that will eat the worm such as a valantini puffer or large crab?
not an easy animal to keep with almost 0% survival rate long term.
just looked in my tank and a few bristle worms are eating my red flame scallop. i didnt even know this was possible but they totally ripped him out his shell and are eating away at what is left of him. how do i kill these damn worms ?
Bristleworms are NOT predators, they are scavengers. They will eat anything dead or near dead, but they will not eat a live scallop. A live healthy scallop would have snapped its shell shut IF a bristleworm attacked it. When scallops (or any other clam) die, they loose the ability to keep their shell closed, and scavengers (like bristleworms) will eat the body.
Flam scallops are EXCEPTIONALLY difficult to keep alive in home aquaria, especially in tanks under say 150 gallons in volume. They require feedings of phytoplankton and very stable water chemistry to even hope of keeping them alive. Alas, chances are not that it's the bristleworm's fault.