Bristle Nose


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, USA
My adult male bristle nose has an anus that stick out a bit, about 2 mm. My question is, should it be that way? When i look at it closely I see that the anus moves every 3 seconds. I also do not see any pleco waste whenever i do a gravel vac. Is he constipated, if so what should I do?
Try feeding it some shelled cooked peas, works a treat for constipation ;) I just blanched them when I did it (stood them in boiled water in a bowl for a few mins), then took off the shells, flattened them between my fingers, and dropped them in. I'll warn you in advance, all my other fish went mad for them too - so keep an eye out and make sure he gets some, even better - drop them in after lights out ;)
Thank you very much, I guess I will throw some cooked peas in his cave ( only he likes to be there).
Does he eat enough greens? Peas are great, cucumber, zuchinni etc, I also feed mine a bit of carrot and potato. If you want him to really go for the vegies, soak them in some water with a clove of garlic in it for a couple of hours. It stimulates their taste buds.
He is all better now, and I saw him poop for the first time -_-. He does get vegetables every 2 days, and I also made him some special wafers ( all kinds of food plus some vegetables mixed together), and now he is finally eating.

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