Bristle Nose Plec's


New Member
Nov 16, 2011
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Gloucestershire - England
I purchased a group of juvenile Plecos about 4 months ago (5 BN Albino's & 3 BN Black) - (lucky enough to get two pairs of Albinos and 1 pair of Black)

I was doing a water change last week and came across two baby BN Black Plecs, and since then I have now relocated about 12....

My question is : They are all Standard (Black), and I'm wondering if there from the two Black BN's or could it be from the two breeding pair of Albino's?

Can anyone tell me what colour the Babies would be, or even if they would mate ie Albino's with Black ???

Thanks in anticipation of your replies.
I'm pretty sure albinos and blacks would breed freely with each other.

If they did; black babies could come from either Black X Black parents or Albino X Black parents. You shouldn't be able to get black babies from Albino X Albino parents.

This presumes that the albino trait is simple recessive and that there is just one version of the albino trait.

I know that it works this way with reptiles, I'd presume it'll be the same for fish :p

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