Bristle Nose Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2006
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I bought a baby Bristle Nose Pleco and wow he is always out I can feed him algae wafers from my fingers and he is just always out and about.... lol I love him soooo much and he was fairly cheap to so I may get another one but I would like them to be opposite sex not because I want to breed but because that way they will probably get alone better
Oh and do ottos like being in schools or is 2 in a tank okay?? is just algae okay for ottos (I had an algae Bloom in one tank so I either have to scrub that tank or hopefully the ottos will eat that )?????
It's a common misconception that plecs only need algae to survive on. In truth, living off algae alone is not good for them at all. Some good pleco wafers, veggies and other treats depending on species are absolutely necessary for a healthy plec. If you want something to just eat algae, you're going to be disappointed. They dont clean up that much, and many make more mess than they clean.

But personally I think they're more than worth it :D Not had otos myself, but heard they prefer to be in groups, so I think a pair on their own wouldn't be in their element, and may hide more than they work.
I've got 2 ottos in my Betta tank and they are forever on the move! Although they do eat algae I feed them algae wafers which they really like. :)
My oto's eat all sorts. Algae growing in the tank, Sera catfish chips, shrimp pellets, frozen shrimp (that I feed the L260's), blanched courgette, cucumber and dandelion leaves. In fact, they seem to prefer the food I put in the tank to the algae.


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