Bristle Nose Hinding!

danny ..

New Member
Jul 26, 2010
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hi guys ,, i brought a male albino bn about 8 days ago with the intension of him mateing with my female
iv got a huge piece of bog wood in the tank n put two caves in there for them . soon as i put him in he went into the big crack in the wood and wont come out,not seen him out once not even for food ? hes not stuck but just wont come out ! after 4 days of not seein him i had a look into the wood n watched him fanning what i thought were eggs but now i cant see anything and he just wont come out .

i have a 350l tank,,water is spot on,, the tank has guppies,,neons,,swordtails,3 clown loach,,2 corrys and 3 small silver sharks. non of the fish go into the wood to bother him from what iv seen and non of the fish bother eachother! my female is out all the time.

any clues as to what to do ? its a large piece of wood and i dont really wanna take it out but it did cross my mind as iv got other wood for him to suck on or does he just need more time?
He just needs more time, I didn't see my ropefish for about 6 months! And also my bn stayed hiding for about a month. Don't worry, he's getting food, you just don't see it.
If there were eggs there then he's still looking after them. I'm not sure how long it is until they hatch. The males do not usually leave them for a good wee while.
do not worry. this is natural for the bristlenose suckerfish...during the hatching process the bristlenose suckerfish guards its eggs and fans them and can go for days without eating. You should see your new suckerfish fry in about 7 to 10 days. Congratulations.
I think someone should point out to you that your stocking could do with sorting out; it's not that great tbh.

It's not a bad sized tank, but it's still too small for the clown loach and the silver sharks, plus both of those should be in groups of six or more so you should re-home those.

The cories should also be in a well planted with a sand substrate and again be in a group of 6+

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