Bristle Nose - Bushy Nose Pleco

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Grey Legion

Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Went to the my LFS to look for a Pleco to add to my 27Gal Tall and did some research on Planet Catfish and settled on a bristle nose Pleco due the size, so I went to the LFS and low and behold they have bristle nose and bushy nose it 2 seperate tanks :crazy: there is no listing for bushy nose and bristle nose has no other names on planet catfish, does anyone have any info on this bushy nose ??

I was told by a employee there that they are the same thing, but my question is this if they are the same thing why 2 seperate tanks ??

Thanks to anyone who sheds some light on this..

Actually, there are a number of species that fall under the bristle-nose(d) category, including the medusa. I've heard them referred to as the bushy-nose too. More accurately, they're Ancistrus.
Hmmmm....that only looks to add more for the fish in my original post they were 1 dollar different in price they had albino bristle nose and regular bushy nose and the they had regular bristle nose on the other side...

I just hope the fish I got stay within the 4" growth or there maybe trouble for me in the future.. :/
The common bristlenose grows up to about 5-6".
breezer40 said:
Nidge said:
I always presumed that they were the same fish.
Did you know that there is a bristle-nosed and a bristle-nose and they are two different fish.


The link for the Bristle nosed actually calls them Bristle nose in the text so could it be one of the same?
bristle-nose = Ancistrus lineolatus
bristle-nosed = Ancistrus dolichopterus
Despite them remarking that the bristle-nosed is a bristle-nose (god this gets confusing) they are two different species.
Well then, I hope that extra 1-2" won't make that much of a diff. I don't think so anyways, let's just see what the rest say. If you don't mind me asking, how much did you get yours for and how big is it? Thanks...
Lots of plecos look the same and are actually different species.

There are 3 different species of Gold Nugget plecos for example. I lot of stores label common pleco on a bunch of different plecos that look them. They do look like them, have the same requirements and everything, but are different.

The differences are someitmes remarkable and important, while most of them time they are hard to identify correctly. There are many different kind of most plecos labelled at stores, but it just doesn't matter to most people who will never know anyway....

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