Bristle Nose... Are They Hard To Keep Alive?


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2009
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My stocking is in my sig. I have a 75 gallon tank that had a lot of algae in it so I bought 2 bushynose/bristlenose Plecos. I've had issue before but my stats were better now and these were bigger fish from the start. Those two had that 75 gallon tank sparkling clean in a matter of a few days! Wow!

I have the 2nd tank and it was full of algae as well. I moved one of them to that tank and he had it clean in a matter of a day. But... the female (less bristles on the nose) died on me this morning. She was in the original 75 gallon tank. :( I checked my stats and they were fine. The test is not out of date and it is the liquid test. ammonia - 0, nitrate - 0 & nitrite - 0. (I know, they should not be perfect, but that was my interpretation of the results.)

My male in the other tank seems to be thriving. Yesterday I had purchased some algae chips and added one to the tank of the one that died. My odessa barbs loved it. :/
Any thoughts?
All I could think of is maybe she got shocked and stressed a bit whilst being moved from one auqarium to the other but I'm not too sure at all actually.
Sorry for your loss though; bristlenose are some of the best :)
In my experience, I don't think they're hard to keep alive. Mine had dirty camellanus worms and had them for quite a long time (they can take up to 6 months to actually become visible). They did get quite big and can obviously have a massive effect on the health of the fish.
He's still alive and kicking, he's got rid of the worms and looks really happy.
They seem be a pretty hardy fish!
Yeah, it was NOT the one that I moved to the other tank. But.. on a side note, I have lost one of my Odessa Barbs & the smallest of my Turquoise Rainbowfish in the last few days as well. The pet shop confirmed that my water stats were fine when I brought the dead one in for a refund/exchange.

Thanks for your ideas. I'll clean the tank out when I get a chance.
Ive got a adult male golden BN n a baby albino, their fine n dandy, sorry.. But most pleco are hardcore as most ppl say it might have been a natural cause..

Ive got a adult male golden BN n a baby albino, their fine n dandy, sorry.. But most pleco are hardcore as most ppl say it might have been a natural cause..

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