Bristle Nose Adnd Plants


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2009
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quick questions if u dont mind..

can u grow plants in a tank without CO2 and all that stuff..without anything at all..likke it will just grow on its on

if so which plants are the great plants to do it.. bristle nose..

u know how they have those dots all of over em, well sometimes a band on his back appears near the top fin and its the same colour as the spots..

but it appears if it depends on his mood or something

thanks a bunch
quick questions if u dont mind..

can u grow plants in a tank without CO2 and all that stuff..without anything at all..likke it will just grow on its on

Yes, you can grow plants without a CO2 pump.

As for your bristle nose, I am unsure?

thanks for ur reply.

i dont think its anything but i want to be sured

and for plants, is it better to have sand ? or gravel? maybe a layer of sand on the bottom and sand on top ? but i prefer sand on top argh..
thanks for ur reply.

i dont think its anything but i want to be sured

and for plants, is it better to have sand ? or gravel? maybe a layer of sand on the bottom and sand on top ? but i prefer sand on top argh..

Funny you ask...I just asked the same question, and the answer I got was, plants will grow just fine in both sand and gravel substrate.

When planting without running a CO2 pump, you have to make sure that you dont plant TOO much, or else you will need a CO2 pump.

What size tank, and how many plants are you planning on planting?

its just a 10g tank.

i have no idea what plants are suitable for the tank size and are hardy and dont need much sunlight etc
its just a 10g tank.

i have no idea what plants are suitable for the tank size and are hardy and dont need much sunlight etc

I would say you could get away with at least a half dozen plants without needing a CO2 pump.

Here is a list of plants that I got from here...these plants are good at "preventing" algae growth.

Hygrophila species
Ludwigia species
Rotala species
Egeria species
Brazilian Water Ivy
Small Ambulia
Mexican Oak Leaf
Water Sprite
Floating plants (careful they don’t block too much light)

Hope this helps a little!?

-FHM :fish:
Also remember, the healthier your plants are, the less likely you will have any algae growth, and vise versa. :good:

bleh..those plants dont look THAT it possible for me to grow some sort of moss
bleh..those plants dont look THAT it possible for me to grow some sort of moss
Yeah of course...Java moss is really neat! I might actually be getting some java moss in a couple days!

Java moss, java fern and anubias nana will all grow well in a 10 gallon that has decent lighting. They don't require anything special to grow slowly. All the fertilizer they really need to survive comes from the fish wastes. The anubias and the java fern need to be planted so that the rhizome, the spot all the roots come from, is above the substrate. Putting the rhizome into the substrate is a sure way to kill them.

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