Bring Out The Prisoner


I only have a goldfish in a tank (& it cant drive)
May 24, 2005
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This is what happens when you make trouble in my reef - into Prison you go
Flame on!!!

Bring it on - I'm ugly enough to take it


Originally he was going to swim the Porcelain Expressway, so a bit of solitary and a trip to the LFS tomorrow is nowt

Maybe if I show this thread to my gf she'll stop pestering me to get one... :X


Little Devil Fish :devil: :devil:
LMAO! I second that statement of "Why oh why"....So, why did you buy THEM ? LOL :lol:

Atleast they didnt go down the Porcelain train. Why would you do that? Id rather give them away for free.

I spy a reed fish in the background! :hyper: Are they Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus? What is your tank like? IE how old is your tank? How much LR? Food? I was thinking my next tank is going to be a species tank dedicated to them!
LMAO! I second that statement of "Why oh why"....So, why did you buy THEM ? LOL :lol:

Atleast they didnt go down the Porcelain train. Why would you do that? Id rather give them away for free.

I spy a reed fish in the background! :hyper: Are they Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus? What is your tank like? IE how old is your tank? How much LR? Food? I was thinking my next tank is going to be a species tank dedicated to them!

I was wandering who would spot the Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus in the background :good: :good:

Awwwww.... look at his puppy eyes :lol:


You want him you can have him, I never made it to the LFS today so its another nite in solitary confinement for old basher

Little Devil Fish - Why oh Why did I add them :X :X :X :X

Awwwww.... look at his puppy eyes :lol:
Looking forward to madarin piccys :D


You want him you can have him, I never made it to the LFS today so its another nite in solitary confinement for old basher

Will get a piccy of the Manderin as soon as he comes out :good:
:lol: No thanks he looks a lot cuter in his cage :lol:

Little Devil Fish - Why oh Why did I add them :X :X :X :X

Awwwww.... look at his puppy eyes :lol:
Looking forward to madarin piccys :D


You want him you can have him, I never made it to the LFS today so its another nite in solitary confinement for old basher

Will get a piccy of the Manderin as soon as he comes out :good:
:lol: No thanks he looks a lot cuter in his cage :lol:


Ya Wimp
:lol: The aggression my little clown has been showing lately would turn this bad boy wanabee into a little angel :lol:
lol nice one, ive never liked damsels they just bullies :-( beat the crap out of each other for fun... right... :p nice one.
LOL. Weve got 2 domino damsels that weve had since the very beginning of our smaller tank that have lived through all of our "boo-boos" and they arent so bad. Brought home a clownfish yesterday and they bugged him for all of 5 minutes before realizing the tank WAS big enough for the new addition and left him alone. Hopefully they will stay manageable because I dont even want to think about how hard it would be to catch them among 200 pds of LR.

And dont feel bad about taking them back to the store. We just took back a Lunare Wrasse that wed been keeping in our QT for a while because he is about as not reef safe as it gets with the inverts. Took him to one of our trusted LFS and didnt even ask for a credit. Hes getting sold for $45. Hes a beauty though, just a mean sucker.
i have to see a pic of your tank with or without the damsels i have one right now hes my first fish and hes helping my tank cycle, my other 3 fish died from fin rot but i think he assasinated them and ate their fins, they wer the same and one was a domino damsel...... well ya i reaaaly want to see you tank it looks huge and awsome in your picture
i have to see a pic of your tank with or without the damsels i have one right now hes my first fish and hes helping my tank cycle, my other 3 fish died from fin rot but i think he assasinated them and ate their fins, they wer the same and one was a domino damsel...... well ya i reaaaly want to see you tank it looks huge and awsome in your picture

Have a look at My Pics

I will be updating it soon with some new additions & also when I finally get my Halides suspended


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