Fish Fanatic
I bought some brine shrimp for my bettas today. My angel and barbs liked them too (my 30 gallon).
After reading that they enhance color I decided that I needed to offer them to my boys. I have an amazing batch of fellas right now and I want them to be able to live up to their full potential.
I'm not sure if I should've "prepared" the brine shrimp in any way. I didn't rinse them. I just used a pick and caught a few.
The water sure did stink when I opened up the bag.
Now I need to find out how to keep them alive for as long as possible. Guess I should visit the Live Food forum.
This was the first time I ever gave my bettas live food. They loved it! Afterward they all flexed their muscles and flared at each other and their own reflections. They felt so big and bad.
My new red,white, & blue crowntail was being rather droopy and lethargic since I brought him home. I really was getting worried about him. But after the brine shrimp snack he totally got into the spirit of things. He was flaring at his reflection for hours afterward. He has a gorgeous and ferocious flare! His tail and fins are blue going into a deep red at all the tips. His body is totally white but when he flares his gills are bright red with a blue rim. It's amazing! I have to get pics of this guy! I can't believe I didn't have to pay a fortune for him on Aquabid or something like that.
After reading that they enhance color I decided that I needed to offer them to my boys. I have an amazing batch of fellas right now and I want them to be able to live up to their full potential.
I'm not sure if I should've "prepared" the brine shrimp in any way. I didn't rinse them. I just used a pick and caught a few.
The water sure did stink when I opened up the bag.
Now I need to find out how to keep them alive for as long as possible. Guess I should visit the Live Food forum.
This was the first time I ever gave my bettas live food. They loved it! Afterward they all flexed their muscles and flared at each other and their own reflections. They felt so big and bad.
My new red,white, & blue crowntail was being rather droopy and lethargic since I brought him home. I really was getting worried about him. But after the brine shrimp snack he totally got into the spirit of things. He was flaring at his reflection for hours afterward. He has a gorgeous and ferocious flare! His tail and fins are blue going into a deep red at all the tips. His body is totally white but when he flares his gills are bright red with a blue rim. It's amazing! I have to get pics of this guy! I can't believe I didn't have to pay a fortune for him on Aquabid or something like that.