Get a 10g tank, add the correct amount of salt which is 30-35 ppt (1.022-1.026 density)
and add your Brine Shrimp. Don't have a filter in there but have the tank aerated. Feed them with egg yolk mixture, or get a stocking, add lettuce and other things, soak it in water and sqeeze this into your tank. Over feeding is your main enemy as it will pollute the water quickly so little amounts often is best. When doing water changes shine a light from the top of the tank, the Brine Shrimp will go to the light leaving the bottom free of B S and so you can now siphon out some water without risk of getting any B S. Add the correct amount of salt back into the water when refilling the tank. Do a 20% water change 2 times evey week.
Every adult female is capable of producing 75 nauplii a day, or 300 every 4 days. They will be able to spawn 10 times during a normal lifespan. However if well cared for they can, as I stated earlier, live for as long as 3 months and during that entire time spawn every 4 days.
Hope this helps.