Brine-shrimp Problem


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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hi folks just finnish third lot of eggs all hatched but no good (all dead) could someone out there help me as i must be doing something wrong water temp is 76-78
see pic what i made can someone let me know what amounts of stuff is needed and when to add them
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
1 - add water no tap (got some that has stood for a week)
2 - add air (tried both with and without airstone)
3 - add salt (how much do i add this container is about 1 ltr)
4 - let air circulate salt water(for how long before adding brine shrimp eggs)
5 - how long to leave them in container for before havesting them
so ill see if i can get some live brineshrimps with help from TTF folks thanx for reading paul

I have a home made hatchery myself. There is a diagram of it on my website (banner link) on the breeding page.

All i do is add a tablespoon on aquarium salt to a couple of litres of luke warm water, fill the bottles half way, add a pinch of brine shrimp eggs, and turn the air on. I dont measure the temperature and its on the wall in the kitchen.

It could be your eggs are no good?
I have bred Killifish now for eons and I use these little 500 ml coke bottles as hatcheries but any plastic/glass recepticle will suffice

Most folks use 2ltr lemonade bottles such as this.

Fill the bottle (like the one above 3/4 full of tap water (non technical method but works)
Add 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of Cooking salt not table salt
add teaspoon of brineshrimp eggs
leave to hydrate for one hour.
Add an airstone or air tube and airate vigorously
Keep the water at a temperature of around 78'F
and provide a light source 24/7 while the hatching process is taking place.
The eggs will hatch in 24 hours.

For an even higher yield you can opt for a more technical route using synthetic sea salt and adhering to specific gravities and temperatures.
but for most everyday aquarists looking to rear batches of fry the above method is adequate though not ideal for maximum hatch rates
Hi, godfather2,
sounds rather disheartening so far.
I noticed you said '...add water no tap (got some that has stood for a week)...'
I was wondering if you meant tap water that stood out for a week, which would release chlorine, but not chloramine or certain other potential contaminants.
Did you use a water conditioner as well?
Because you did say '... third lot of eggs all hatched but no good (all dead) ...' and I was wondering if that might possibly be an issue...
Hi, godfather2,
sounds rather disheartening so far.
I noticed you said '...add water no tap (got some that has stood for a week)...'
I was wondering if you meant tap water that stood out for a week, which would release chlorine, but not chloramine or certain other potential contaminants.
Did you use a water conditioner as well?
Because you did say '... third lot of eggs all hatched but no good (all dead) ...' and I was wondering if that might possibly be an issue...
yes m8 used tap water and was told to leave it for 24/48 hours (so i left it for a week) before adding salt then brine shrimp eggs and that should do it but still all dead (never used any water conditioner) thats why im asking cause i dont know where im going wrong this is all new to me when i kept fish the last time was 20 years ago (giving my age away here)and if u wanted live food then for fish u had to go out to pools and catch your own daphnia thanx paul
I'm guessing there's chloramine or some such additive, and a water conditioner dealing with that is needed.
But I guess that's still cheaper than losing the hatchlings.
Brine shrimp eggs are surprising expensive in Canada; don't know about in your area, but it seems to me everything goes up worldwide except my income and IQ...
Better luck this time.
so then m8 how do i sort it out what do i need to get as im a bit dumb when it comes to addatives thanx paul

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