Brine shrimp issues

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Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2020
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I have no problem hatching these at 1 desert spoon/ litre of salt and then start to feed them spiralina powder. In a few days a lot are pink and a lot bigger. A light and bubbler are on constant. I turn bubbler off and allow to settle then siphon off half the water. There are many shrimp left behind, the filtered water is put back in as well as bubbler but the next day the jar is pretty much devoid of life. Any ideas as to where I go wrong ?
Only have the light on for 8 hours a day :)
I'll try that Got a new batch hatching so I hope it's not too late for them ? There was a big cloud of them 2 hrs ago, but now not many to be seen
You don't need a light on them unless you are trying to get the babies to gather in one section so you can sython/ suck them out with an eye dropper or turkey baster.

The filter paper might have something on it that is killing the shrimp, or the container you are pouring the water into.

When I was hatching brineshrimp, I use a 2 litre plastic drink container that was half full of sea water. I had an airstone bubbling away in it and the container was sitting on top of an aquarium to keep it warm.

After the brown eggs had hatched, I could see easily see the orange nauplii (baby shrimp).

I would lift the air stone out and put the container near a light source (torch). After a couple of minutes the nauplii will be swarming near the light and I used an eye dropper to suck them out in some of the water. I then dripped the nauplii and water into the fry rearing tanks. The small amount of salt won't affect any fish fry.

When I had finished feeding the baby fish, I put the air stone back in the container and removed the light. The container was not in darkness, it just had normal room light.

You need to start a new hatchery every 1-2 days to have a constant supply of newly hatched brineshrimp for the baby fish.

If the nauplii start turning pink, they have used up their yolk sac and need to be fed. However, you need to move the nauplii into a clean container of sea water because the egg shells start to rot and cause ammonia problems that kill the nauplii.
I think you've nailed it as there is a layer of shell on the bottom. How much salt per ltr or did I get it right with 1 desert spoon per ltr.
No idea how much salt per litre. I used natural sea water or a hydrometer to make up a 40 litre bucket with salt water.

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