Brine Shrimp Hatchery Info


Fish Addict
Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
Chilly Hobart, Tasmania
I got some eggs from my LFS and made a hatchey this evening from some DIY plans I googled (gotta love soda bottles :lol: ). Anyways need two bits of info

1. ratio salt to water?

2. haw fast to have the air bubbling?


I just experemented... 2 tsp in about 500ml of water got them to hatch :)

bubbling just enought that it didnt splash too much (the eggs got stuck to the sides if it did)
There are many different contraptions for hatching brineshrimp eggs and someone is always going to come along and say the contraption they use is much better, so for what it's worth here is how I do it. (I breed killifish and I use a lot of brineshrimp so I have hatching containers going all the time on a rotational basis)
Simply get some good brineshrimp eggs 90-95% hatch rate.
I cut the top off a plastic lemonade bottle about 1/3 down. this is my Hatchery, fill this with boiled tapwater 2/3 up and allow to cool. Add 1 tablespoon of Cooking Salt (not table salt). Now you need to lift the pH slightly to around 8.0 by adding a very very tiny amount of Bicarbonate of Soda. Then add a teaspoon of your brineshrimp eggs. They need to be kept in aggitated suspension so I place an airstone in the container with a vigourous flow. Keep the container near a light source and at a temp of around 26- 28 degrees C. You will then be able to harvest newly hatched brineshrimp in 24 hours. to harvest the shrimp I uncouple the bottle from the air supply and let it settle some, then I place it near a light bulb, the shrimp will swim toward the light. Then I use a syringe with a small length of airline attached to suck up the shrimp. The saline solution (in the syringe) containing the shrimp is then poured on to a cotton square draped over a jam-jar and some tank water is used to diffuse the salt content. the cotton square is then dipped into the fry tank.
I hope this answered your questions and a few more besides.
For more technical data see link below,

P.S. Just to add to above post, You will always get eggs stuck to the side of the container, this is just par for the course.

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