Brine Shrimp Farming


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
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United States
Hello, I'm wondering if what I have minus the eggs is enough for keeping these shrimp.
I have one-gallon tubs and an air pump, as well as sand and API aquarium salt(rock salt). will this work for the brackish water? I also have table salt.
What percentage of salt to water works?

Can they eat fish food? and if so how can I prepare it for them?
they'll eat anything...but like any shrimp tank you can leave the light on for days so your walls can get covered in algae which is pretty much a food-source for them and you can use a pinch of boiled egg yolk
if you want to grow them bigger I suggest a 10gal tank..grab a dark plastic container that will fit in the tank...drill a hole on the side of the container and cover it with a cork or something..
after they hatch just remove the cork and turn on the light in the tank and they'll move into the main water of the tank by themselves...remove the container...wash it and restart...
1.5% non-iodized salt...
easiest way to prepare water is a digital scale....put an empty bottle on it and reset it to 0 fill the bottle with water and put it on the scale...for a 2 liter bottle it should read 2000ml once it reaches 2030 you got it dead on...for tanks its easier to just weight the salt itself...
a 20g would be 75L or 75000ml at 1.5% = 1125grams or 1.125Kg of salt
they'll eat anything...but like any shrimp tank you can leave the light on for days so your walls can get covered in algae which is pretty much a food-source for them and you can use a pinch of boiled egg yolk
if you want to grow them bigger I suggest a 10gal tank..grab a dark plastic container that will fit in the tank...drill a hole on the side of the container and cover it with a cork or something..
after they hatch just remove the cork and turn on the light in the tank and they'll move into the main water of the tank by themselves...remove the container...wash it and restart...
1.5% non-iodized salt...
easiest way to prepare water is a digital scale....put an empty bottle on it and reset it to 0 fill the bottle with water and put it on the scale...for a 2 liter bottle it should read 2000ml once it reaches 2030 you got it dead on...for tanks its easier to just weight the salt itself...
a 20g would be 75L or 75000ml at 1.5% = 1125grams or 1.125Kg of salt
Thanks so much, what is the point for the plastic container?
also will they breed on their own?
the plastic container is so you can keep resetting new batches without having the shells mess all over as only the shrimp will come over through the hole
also the reason why is has to be a dark container as brine are attracted to light so the only light should be that side hole when you remove the cork...
this way you get the shrimp minus the mess
Use a decent sized plastic storage container (100 litres/ 25 gallons plus).
Fill it with salt water to the same density or a bit lower than sea water. Use a plastic chamber hydrometer (available from pet shops or online) to measure the salinity.
Buy a 20kg bag of pool salt from the hardware store or swimming pool shop. It is a lot cheaper than aquarium salt.
Don't put sand or anything on the bottom of the container.

Once the container is full of saltwater, add some plant fertiliser and let it turn into green soup (green water). Then check the ammonia and nitrite level and if they are 0ppm, add some baby brineshrimp.

Have an airline (without an airstone) bubbling away in the container. Tie a weight to the airline. You can add some limestone rock if you like but most people don't bother.

Leave the shrimp to fee don the green water and start new cultures every month. The adult shrimp do breed and produce live babies if the water stays clean but if the water quality deteriorates or gets too hot, they produce eggs and then the adults die.
I think I could raise them outdoors in summer, but it would be short term. They would take a lot of space and time indoors, and since all my fish are small, I can run things just using freshly hatched nauplii. I'm using Chinese cysts a wholesaler here has slapped his label onto cans of - slightly cheaper than Utah shrimp but not much, but far better results for my buck. I know people who culture artemia, but they seemed to spend more time on them than on their fish.
Are you looking to do brine to feed your fish? If so there area a couple of considerations. The first deals with the brine themselves and is part of and article by Dr. Rob Toonen. It is more concerned with salt water fish/coral feeding, but everything is the same except that the brine need enriching with a "highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) supplement" which is not needed for FW fish feeding. But the biology of the shrimp is the same no matter which fish or corals to which you are feeding them.

I messed with hatching brine when I had the bad idea that I wanted to breed angels. My first spawn was about 500 eggs and that was when I realized this was not the direction I wanted to move. I had to go away for the weekend soon after I had a tankful of new angel fry. So I thought I could keep them alive by using the "The unique KollerCraft TOM Hatch 'N Feeder brine shrimp hatchery for aquariums is designed to hatch brine shrimp eggs and then dispense the baby brine shrimp directly into the aquarium."

I bought two of these and they worked fine, but they are not designed to feed that many fry. But it sure made the process easier. Tom is no longer in business but the product is still available. I paid more like $12 for it 15+ years ago and it is a bunch more today.


I gave up hatching BBS. Not enough space and salt was everytwhere. I switched to other foods almost as good= frozen cyclops and rotifers. You can buy frozen BBS but the price is sully stupid. I keep a bit of this around for emergency needs. I think somewhere on a shelf I still have the pair of hatcheries. I have not used them in a very long time.

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