Brine Shrimp Cabinet


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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hi there does anyone use a cabinet to house their brine shrimp hatchery if so could u please help me im making one for myself (x 2 coke bottles)i need to know what size of bulb to use to keep temp up at the moment im thinking of using a normal bulb like the old (egg)incubators had in normal bayonet type the box is insulated with polystyrene so i thought it would not need to be that high wattage about 25 - 40 watts so is there any one can help me out thanx for reading paul
I use a 40w bulb on a dimmer, the dimmer adjusts he brightness, and so the temperature. This can vary due to room temperature, I shoot for 80F for a 24 hour hatch.
I employed my killifish tanks in cabinets in the early days (pre fish-house) era. They all had top boxes for livefood cultures and brineshrimp hatcheries. These were lined with polystyrene and illuminated with an ordinary 40w bulb (tried energy savers... good light but not much heat) This depends on the size of the cabinet of-course as to what wattage of bulb you use but in essence it works.
If you find it gets too hot or condensates alot then just drill a series of small holes in the cabinet
Hope that helps

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