The newborn larvea of brineshrimp make excellent food for fry but it is a lot of hassle and proves quite expensive to raise a decent number of brineshrimp to adult hood to feed larger fish, in the long run it is easier to just buy live or frozen brine shrimp from the lfs.
If you wish to raise brineshrimp you will need a 10 gallon tank with a divider made from a non see through material with a small hole in the middle, a air powered sponge filter,a air stone, some airline and a twin connecter, a air pump, a light for one side of the divided tank and enough liquid brineshrimp/fry food to last two weeks.
Set the tank up so that the light and filter is on the "light" side of the tank and the airstone is on the "dark" side of the tank, you will need to paint the outsides of the tank on the dark side black. Add water andsalt to the tank to bring the SG of the water up to a minimum of 1.030. Add the unhatched brineshrimp eggs to the dark side and wait 24 hours for them to hatch before starting to feed with the liquid food, feed them 3 times a day until they will eventually leave the darkside via the small hole into the light side where they can be harvested and used as food.