brine shimp


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2003
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iv hatched some in my breader but how do i feed them so they grow a little before i feed them to my fish ??? i tried keeping them alive and they all died after a day.
They eat algae. I pick up any algae ridden plant from my tank and put it into the brine shrimp tank for them to feast on.

If you dont have that luxury :D you can keep a jar of water in the sunlight you should soon see algae growing in it.
arent brine shrimp usually for baby fish mostly?
if you need them to grow maybe you should feed something else to your big fish

Adult Brine shrimp are great for adult fish. They can induce spawning and are very healthy. You feed the babies to the Fry. Thank you so much Dubby. I have never had any success raising brine shrimp for over a day. I fortunaly have the luxury of having algae in one of my aquariums and will start hatching them again tomarrow. I hope everything goes alright. Could you give me a few more details of how you have raised them? Thanks

I never even thought of raising the brine shrimp. With the frozen adult brine shrimp I can get I'll stick to that but it's cool to find out what they eat. Like everyone in the 70's I had sea monkeys but can't recall what I did to keep them alive.

I feed them on crushed flake, There is a section about brine shrimp on the link in my sig below :D
Can you feed them sea monkies? if so i will get soem eggs today, try hatching them, ready for my fry....i got sea monster eggs - are they the same??
Peachybrown said:
Can you feed them sea monkies? if so i will get soem eggs today, try hatching them, ready for my fry....i got sea monster eggs - are they the same??
Sea monkeys are Brine shrimp :) So you could feed them to the fry...... and you could feed the brine shrimp some sea monkey food !!!
If you put a small peice of flake food in the hatchery, it will rot and produce edible microorganisms, which baby brine shrimp can eat.

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