I saw some tiny little tetras at one of my LFS today - they were labelled 'brilliant neon tetras'. They are really small and have most of the blue colour concentrated towards their heads, with quite pale bodies. Their eyes are really bright, they looked fantastic peering out from behind the plants!
They were also quite expensive compared to the neons - the neons are 95p each, while the brilliant neons are £1.95 each.
I can't find any information on them, does anyone know anything about them?
I saw some tiny little tetras at one of my LFS today - they were labelled 'brilliant neon tetras'. They are really small and have most of the blue colour concentrated towards their heads, with quite pale bodies. Their eyes are really bright, they looked fantastic peering out from behind the plants!
They were also quite expensive compared to the neons - the neons are 95p each, while the brilliant neons are £1.95 each.
I can't find any information on them, does anyone know anything about them?