Brigitte/chilli Rasboras - Boraras Brigittae


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Devon - UK
Finally managed to get some pics of my Boraras brigittae (chili rasbora)

The are kept in a 55 ltr hex in a group of 30 with 15 pygmy corys and lots of shrimp
They are not shy at all and being little if you had less than this amount you wouldnt really see them very well
Have had them a few weeks now but they have only just started colouring up

They are also just starting spoawning behaviour but alas eggs are too small to see if i have any ;( will just have to wait and see if numbers increase over time

Thanks for looking

Sarah x




Had them and they are lovely, however if you have them in with cory's then they will probably eat the eggs, fingers crossed that some fry do hatch and develop :good:
Had them and they are lovely, however if you have them in with cory's then they will probably eat the eggs, fingers crossed that some fry do hatch and develop :good:

The pygmy corys are quite strange they havent even eaten any of the newborn shrimps in the tank its becomming over run lol
The brigittes might eat their own eggs dunno just have to see how they go - i might in time move a group over to my breeding tank for a week or so when i see a few large (now theres a laugh) females again
Very nice! good luck with the breeding! Wish I could take some of those shrimp off your hands. :hey:
Very nice! good luck with the breeding! Wish I could take some of those shrimp off your hands. :hey:

thankyou and if you were in the UK in time you could have had some shrimp ;)

thanks sarah x

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