Brighten things up


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
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Hi there
I'm new to keeping a SW aquarium and would like any advice on how to brighten the tank up. My tank contains the following:
2 Percula clowns (small)
1 Blue Damsel
1 Green Damsel
1 Fire Fish
1 Cleaner Shrimp
4 Blue legged hermits
2 Red legged hermits
Mushroom polyps (brown in colour)
Tank size is 3ft wide, 18 inch deep. It contains 3 inch sand bed of live sand and 5 good-sized rocks. Normal lighting, white & blue marine tubes.
The tanks doing fine, bit of algae but nothing much. The problem is there's just no colour in it apart from the fish. I'd like to be able to add corals but my lighting isn't the right type.
Can anyone suggest any easily kept COLOURFUL invertebrates or easy to keep corals??
Many thanks
Im not sureon your location, if you are USA then some of these corals will be easier to get, if you are UK then they are still available but usually carry a higher price tag.

How about Blue Mushrooms, easy to keep and a lovely dark blue sheen across their surface.

Striped mushrooms. Again an easy coral that has bright green alternating stripes around the disk

Florida Ricordea. The real colourful coral of all softies! Blues, yellow, red etc.. they are pricey though and hard ot get hold of.

Lastly, maybe some Zooanthids (or smetimes known as fiji zoos) Many arrive as brown polyps but if you look or wait long enough then you can get greens, yellow, oranges, reds and blues!
If you search on google for these and lok for pictures then you will find some fantastic coloured zoos and Ricordeas.
Thanks for the advice Navarre, they're sure to brighten up my tank. Just what I need. :)
If you're in the US, check on - I just got a polyp of ricordea for $10, plus only having to pay Priority shipping since the seller's close enough to me! I asked for blue or green, so we'll see what comes :)

Also - you might want to add more live rock. It helps with the filtration and will help make your tank as stable as possible :)
I would suggest adding more clean up crew as well. Snails, shrimp, hermits, brittle stars, etc are all entertaining fellows (I think so anyhow - small things amuse small minds lol) and add movement and interest to a tank as well as helping keep the perameters stable.

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