Bridging New World And African


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2006
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I've found most of my cichlids to be very adapatable, and furthur more, under the right circumstances it is possible to mix the two different kinds.
The main problem with the mixing of NW and OW (African) cichlids IME is that they can't show each other when they are 'angry'. The displays they use aren't known by the other fish so conflict can lead if 1 doesn't back down.

Also it depends on the species of fish in question, African cichlids vary alto, from kribs to front's. The different rift lakes and then there are the West African species. Some IME mix easily namely kribs.

The water conditions side of this is not that big an issuse, yes some are better kept in a higher pH and some in a lower pH but through being bred in what ever water they were in the new generations have become accustomed to these conditions so both could live together if they are used to that water.

My opinion on this matter is it can be done, though be aware of what may happen and why it may happen, have a back up plan as well, be it another tank of being able to return the fish.
Would you mind giving examples of the fish you keep together and in what size setup/what water stats etc? You're at risk of sending new fishkeepers down the wrong path with such a general statement.

But of course some would be able to be kept together but it doesn't mean the fish are happy does it?
Hi jayjay, I agree with your point about the pH and that bred fish can become accustomed and can live in a variation of acidity that they would not naturally be found in the wild. This does not mean however that you will get the maximum potential out of the fish whether it be colouration, breeding, activity etc..

Also I think that the following statement that you made

though be aware of what may happen and why it may happen, have a back up plan as well, be it another tank of being able to return the fish.

should be enough to state that NW and OW cichlids should not be kept together. Prevention is better then cure!!! If you know that by placing NW with OW there could potentially be a problem, don't do it and you wont have to fix it.

I am aware this is sounding hypocritical from someone who has brought back fish to a LFS because of conflicting fish in the tank, but this has only arisen from buying Africans and not being able to sex them because of their young age and the trouble starts when more than one turns out to be an aggressive male. This is my opinion is one of the drawbacks to keeping African cichlids.
This does not mean however that you will get the maximum potential out of the fish whether it be colouration, breeding, activity etc..

It does not mean that you won't get maximum potential either. I've not seen documented studies into this but I feel that most fish I keep do fine in the pH they are, it may not be natural but it is stable and they are thriving. Though I do not have a mix of African and NW cichlids, I do keep central and south American fish together, they live with fish from Africa and Asia as well.

Unless you have a bio type something will always be wrong and it can be said to cause something.

I do generally adjust my pH on smaller tanks, my clown loaches and sat.'s I have in tannin stained lower pH water than my other tanks, my multi's are kept on a coral substrate with shells and a few rocks which maybe changed for ocean rock.

I'm not recommended people mix NW and OW together, though I have no problem with it being done if the fish are healthy. I do however want people to understand that the risks involved and that they should have a backup plan. There are risks with most things doesn't stop it happening.
my small JD and Small Jewel have already given each other and mouth to mouth fish. After that they were ok. The JD from what I hear is aggrasive. Its funny how he went after the most aggrasive jewel in the tank. Most of the time they are fine side by side...

Can't be sure about the adult outcome though.
I've found most of my cichlids to be very adapatable, and furthur more, under the right circumstances it is possible to mix the two different kinds.

I think you need to explain exactly what you have mixed and how long they have been together.
Under the right circumstances is a very large variable. It would be appreciated if you could go into more detail as to what these circumstances are.
i have never mixed cichlids from africa and the americas(central america)- why bother, you have such a good variety from both areas that there is no point in risking the two together.- get two tanks!

i agree that fish from both areas can thrive in the same water eg-hard, high ph
I have mixed before, N. brichardi and P. pulcer with NW's. The reason for bothering is that people will like some fish from one area and one fish from another area, so they will want to mix them, if they can't afford or don't have room for two tanks but it is possible to mix in one then they will (or at least want to).

My opinion is still, if you want to do it, know the water parameters, know what may happen and have a back up plan, you can try it.
I think mixing of all kinds of incompatible fish is possible but when we consider what is best for the fish in question, I think that keeping them in the most suitable enviroment is best.

We have all heard stories of fish that live for a long time in a filthy tank or "I have a melanochromis auratus in my guppy tank". The question is for how long.

Some fish are remarkably long lived in proper conditions and agree with some of the posts above that for best colour and behavior being kept in correct water and tank conditions with appropriate tankmates is the way to go.
allow me to point out as well that there are many riverine African cichlids which are completely different from the Rift Lake Africans, just as the Central American cichlids are quite different from the South American and the Amazonian cichlids.

most of the riverine Africans have more in common in terms of behavior and water preferences with the Central Americans than either have in common with the Rift Lake Africans or Amazonian New Worlds.

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