

I know where you live
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Peoria, Illinois
WHAT? Is this even possible??????? I have a 30g tank with 6 brichardi fry (or so I thought?). Anywho, I was about to feed them and turn off the light, and this is what I saw on the slate:



Are those eggs? If so, how is that possible? The Brichardi, 4 guppies, and a male Bristlenose are the inhabitants of the tank (of that I am positive). This is a picture to show how big the fry are.


Though never having bred them myself, I've seen them start to spawn at two inches. This means a bit smaller is certainly possible.

If there's a bristlenose in the tank I doubt the eggs will be there in the morning.
I talked to the breeder I got them from. He was surprised. He's been breeding theese guys for over 10 years and has never had them breed this young! The eggs still look great. I counted them, there are about 48.
The eggs are gone =[ . They may have hatched, but I don' think so. Ohh well, maybe next batch!
Teo of the Brichardi are dropping their tubes. I expect to see some eggs soon. I hope theese ones make it!
I have not seen any eggs yet. I seem to be missing a female, so I was looking for her and I moved a shell, then 2 different brichardi starting attacking my net! I believe that they are planning on spawning in the shell.
I found the eggs last night. They were cleverly hidden. The eggs have since dissappeared. So, either they hatched and the parent's moved them, or they were eaten.
or maybe leave them alone, if they feel threatened they will eat them. you want to stop messing around looking for eggs and be patient. the more you go looking around for them the more stressed they will be and will keep eating them, just leave the tank alone until you see fry, but even then if you want them to live you need to remove all the other fish.
or maybe leave them alone, if they feel threatened they will eat them. you want to stop messing around looking for eggs and be patient. the more you go looking around for them the more stressed they will be and will keep eating them, just leave the tank alone until you see fry, but even then if you want them to live you need to remove all the other fish.

I have never searched for the eggs by messing around the tank. I saw them under a open side of a rock by looking through the glass. They are the only fish in the tank,
So, I think they may have FINALLY gotten it right (it's been like the 20th time now). The eggs have been out for a little over two days, and only one has gone bad. They are usually all bad by now. I think they may have finally figured it out!
So, I think they may have FINALLY gotten it right (it's been like the 20th time now). The eggs have been out for a little over two days, and only one has gone bad. They are usually all bad by now. I think they may have finally figured it out!
thats awesome!! i still might buy some for my 30g but i dont think my other fish would appericate it lol.
there alot at my LFS though. like 50 haha

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