Brevis Shell Dwellers


New Member
May 10, 2011
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Im thinking of putting (2) Neolamprologus Brevis Shelldwellers (1) male & (1) female in my Fluval Edge tank, they would be the only 2 fish in the tank with 4 or 5 conch shells.

Who thinks this is a good idea ? they grow to around 1.5 - 2.5 inches so i'm sure they would be well within there limits due to tank size, i will not be filling the tank with any other crap just the vitals EG: sand and shells.

Please leave feedback

Thanks Lewis
Minimum size for one pair of Brevis is 5G, the Fluval Edge is 23L I believe which equates to approx 5.05G?.

Just sand and some Escargot or 2 small/med conch shells should be fine for them but you would need to look at a bigger tank really on the grounds that a pair of Brevis are very likely to breed, a Fluval Edge isn`t a good idea on those grounds.

Profile info for Brevis:
Thats great info thanks, the Edge is 6G so well within the guide lines...cant wait to get tgis tank started.....
Try to get 2 fish that have already paired up, the males can get pretty viscious if they don't like the female and won't let them on their territory, which in a 6 gal tank will be most of it and the female will end up cowering in the top corner of the tank. Although online profiles say they don't need much space, mine swim all over the place. My big male is over 3 inches long and swims almost the full length and height of the 29 gal tank they are in,he's like a little security guard constantly checking out all the nooks and crannies in the rocks! Brilliant little fish though with bags of personality!

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