

Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

ive had my male an female in the breeding tank for 3 days well male in tank an female in vase

but the male hasnt built a bubble nest they r both flarin at each other though

should i put the female in an c wat happens???

will he build one once i put her in??

thanx all
What I did was I conditioned them separately. Kept the female in the vase already and the male in the breeding tank and fed them worms and brine shrimp and all that lovliness.

After a few days I saw a small, maybe 9 bubble, line under the cup. So I put the female in after I saw the small nest. Now the nest is a bit larger and I plan to release the female later today.

I hope that helps.

It's my first spawn, so you may want to take my advice with a grain of salt.
If they are flaring at each other, they aren't going to get along. Seperate them, condition them and then let the male see the female and build a bubble nest before putting her in. I think the advice given previously was pretty accurate :)
i thought was gd wen they flared

she has the bares goin down her body
Flaring is a sign of a healthy fish but also a sign of aggression... I'm not sure whether you want to be seeing vertical or horizontal bars. I've never bred bettas - just gouramies, but flaring isn't normaly a sign that two fish will get along :p
no not rely, when u spawn ur going to see alot of flareing and chaseing. the verticle bars are a good sighn. id take jkun's adbice and condition them with food for a bit.
True, if they aren't flaring and displaying that is a bad sign. Have you still been feeding them in the spawn tank? If you have I'd let her out of the vase for an hour or so and then re-vase her, this may jump start his nesting instinct. Also if you have a nest from another male you can stick that in there under the cup and he should build on.

If you haven't been feeding them, I'd pull them out and recondition. :)
I just did my first spawn .... Although it recieved no fertile eggs it was worth just the experiance :nod: My male had a small bubble nest after about 24 hours and after I released my female within 24 hours it was HUGE .... I was told to go ahead and realease her so I sdid and it payed off ...... As for the flaring mine did this ALOT .... It's a good sign they obviously realise and are aknowledging the presence of another betta ..... my male chased my female alot but she did actually chase the male some I think this went back to her having the nerve to flare :lol: (women) :whistle:

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