

Fish Herder
Feb 19, 2004
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currently i have 1 male betta and 2 female bettas in a 10 gallon tank.... i have a styrafoam cup in front against the glass.. i have air goin and i have a place for female to hide when she dont feel like bein bothered.... 1 of the females has vertical bars and seems to be interested in the male... but when the male and female are near the styrafoam cup... the male will be very interested and the female will swim away... the male also hasnt built a nest yet... i have been feeding them freeze dried brine shrimp for awhile... they both eat them... but the new female i introduced doesnt like the shrimp so i dont know if shell ever get her stripes..... im not sure why they wont 'get it on'

i have another male living in a bowl and im makin a divider so i can breed 2 pairs at once in my 10 gallon... does this sound alright? ive read on sites ppl breeding 2 pairs in a divided 10... does temperature have anything to do with it?.. right now i have a crappy heater that doesnt have a thermostat... right now its not on and water is cool... if i raise the temp for a few days maybe theyll finish the job lol?
Sometimes the pair you'd like to breed just aren't compatible. Maybe you can try another male. I have been through the same situation. The female got her breeding stripes,the male took forever to build a bubble nest,and when I let her go she kept the stripes and never did a thing. So I tried another male...He wasn't interested in anything. So I put the other male back and tried a different female. She wanted to breed,but he attacked the living poo out of her until she had nearly zero fins left and I removed her immediately. She's recovering,but I just gave up. :X Someday I hope to have a success story.

I know the temp has alot to do with them breeding. If the water is cool I'd raise it. As for 2 females and one male at a time,I'm not familiar with that situation. I've never read anything about it. Breeding two pairs in a divided ten gallon is possible if you have a divider where they can't see each other.

I wish I had more experience to share with you,I hope I helped you a little. :)
iloveyou said:
currently i have 1 male betta and 2 female bettas in a 10 gallon tank.... i have a styrafoam cup in front against the glass.. i have air goin and i have a place for female to hide when she dont feel like bein bothered.... 1 of the females has vertical bars and seems to be interested in the male... but when the male and female are near the styrafoam cup... the male will be very interested and the female will swim away... the male also hasnt built a nest yet... i have been feeding them freeze dried brine shrimp for awhile... they both eat them... but the new female i introduced doesnt like the shrimp so i dont know if shell ever get her stripes..... im not sure why they wont 'get it on'

i have another male living in a bowl and im makin a divider so i can breed 2 pairs at once in my 10 gallon... does this sound alright? ive read on sites ppl breeding 2 pairs in a divided 10... does temperature have anything to do with it?.. right now i have a crappy heater that doesnt have a thermostat... right now its not on and water is cool... if i raise the temp for a few days maybe theyll finish the job lol?
breeding two pairs at a time? wow, hope you have a lot of spare time on your hands ;) that's a lot of work. you know. i've never had more than one female in a breeding tank, i want my male to be focused on only one at a time. i also wouldn't keep air going in the breeding tank as you want the conditions to be as quiet and still as possible. it can take days for the two to get their act together so you should be prepared to wait a bit. i've come to the conclusion recently that you shouldn't feed the two while they are in the breeding tank (especially the male) as they get used to getting food and the male might take to eating eggs or the fry when they are born. i'm a big believer in the thai method of putting the female in a closed container (we use a wide mouth jar or bottle) and put her and it into the tank so the male can swim around but not get at her until she is ready to be released. the female getting her stripes is not so much indicative of her getting enough food as it is her developing eggs in her belly which can take a few days. when she is ready and her belly feels full of eggs and when she sees the male has made a decent nest (females are very choosy ;) ) then she will come around. all this of course causes the male great frustration. water temerature is important as it trigers breeding behavior. best of luck, let us know how things develop ;)
i have another male chillin in a bowl... i think i might put the striped female with him... and if they dont do the funky chicken my sister has a betta thats in a container and adds to his nest everyday... ill snatch her male and try him if my 2 males arent getting it done lol.. i think im going to use a hard plastic binder as a divider... my friend is bringin over some plexiglass but prob wont fit so ill try to get a dark color like blue or something... either way it will be distorted :D

i have pics in profile of the new guys if anyone cares lol
Someone else mentioned turning off the air bubbles. I think that might be a good thing to try as well. I had put my male betta in my new ten for a day and there is a filter in there and he didn't try once to make a bubble nest, but before he was in the ten he was making them ALL the time in his 'house' and now that he is back in his 'house' he made one and I've been watching him add to it all day. Maybe your male just needs it to be more 'still' in the water?

Good luck! I hope you get some action soon! :hey:

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