First of all, a male should not be kept with any females unless you are breeding them, and then it should only be one.
Second, Breeding is really hard with bettas. It takes a lot of time, patience, and money. First, they have to be conditioned. Then you put them together until the male builds a bubblenest, and they put eggs in it. As soon as that happens, the female must be taken out. Then you watch the male like a hawk. If he starts eating the eggs or the babies, you need to take him out. Otherwise, you leave him in there for about a week. You can't feed him in that week, which is why he must be conditioned. Once you take him out, the babies need food. They start out on live baby brine shrimp and progress from there.
This is just a summary of all the work this takes. Check out the stickies on breeding, and read up a lot on it.