
Hi, according to Planet Catfish breeding in the tank is "unreported". It is thought they like to burrow in mud banks in rivers to breed. Shame, they are lovely fish. I have an 11" Common. :)
Is posible although not practical in the glass aquarium, when common plecs breed they dig a 4-5deep hole in a mud bank and raise their eggs in it, common plecs are mass bred in countrys with warmer climates in muddy ponds, which is partly why they are so cheap.
Personally im thankful that common plecs cant be bred in the average aquarium as there are too many around for their own good needing homes anyways in my honest opinion.
Hi, just read in Practical Fishkeeping (late last night after I posted) a question about breeding Commons. It tells you what kind of size tank you need etc. It also says there are few obvious differences between males and females. "The males are broader across the head and the females are broader between the pelvic fins". I agree there are too many about, you often see people trying to rehome them because they get so big.

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