

New Member
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
City of Bath, UK
Hi all ..

I have been keeping fish for a couple of years now, and breeding Platies, Guppies and Mollies have never been a problem, they just did it :)

Unfortunatly I had to move, so the tank stayed at the old place, and a friend kept them. I then bought a new set-up (100 litre tank and lid etc) and started from scratch. Anyway, I had major problems because the water here is so hard from the tap and I have to treat with PH buffer and stress coat quite often to keep a balance. I have never had any babies since I added these fish, also I lost a lot of fish trying due to the water.

I have done water test after water test and I have finally got the water how I (and the fish) like it, but still no babies :( Is this down to the fish or me ?

Thanks ..
Generally pH buffers are a bad idea - in fact, I'm sure they kill more fish than they help. And in hard water areas like my own many breeders successful breed fish - even soft water fish like corys and angelfish. According to what I've read, mollies like hard, alkaline water!

Fish won't breed if they're stressed. Maybe the constant fluctuations of pH have got them badly out of condition? If I were you I'd stop using all the pH Down products (get them out of the water - all they do is cause algae bloom) and concentrate on really, really good water condition and feeding a varied diet, you could condition them again and start to breed.

I assume your new tank is cycled?
Hey Joshua, have you got a few powerheads in your tank or something?

You shouldnt have too strong a current in the tank, if its too hard for the fish to breed in it then it probably isnt the most favourable living conditions either

Usually if you can break up the current (ie Plants rocks etc) it helps

Goodluck with it

how long since you started the tank?
did you buy the fish from the same shop?
some petstores have amazing fish but infertile and weak.
In my area we have very very hard water but it also has a high alkalinity which keeps the pH from fluctuating. My guppies have bred fine. I don't treat the pH or try to soften the water. This would just add to the osmotic stress the fish are under and possibly kill them. Whenever I tried "fixing" the water I ended up hurting the fish more than they were being helped.

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