Breeding Zebra Danio... Quick Question


New Member
Apr 6, 2008
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I have had some zebra danio's for about 10 month and just got a bigger dank recently so i got more danio's and wanted to now breed them. I dont own a tank heater sense they have been doing well without it. my question regards the importance of heat for breeding. I was planning on breeding them in a seperate tank using the marble method.


I keep my tank in a room that isnt heated so the water isnt all that warm. My bedroom on the other hand is heated by a space heater and was wondering if i should move the fish into my heated room to keep the water temperature higher. If so, for how long should i leave them in my room?

the only other question is that after a few days of isolating the female am i supposed to then add cold water to trigger the mateing process or do i add warm water?

thank you so much everybody!!! :rolleyes:
I have had some zebra danio's for about 10 month and just got a bigger dank recently so i got more danio's and wanted to now breed them. I dont own a tank heater sense they have been doing well without it. my question regards the importance of heat for breeding. I was planning on breeding them in a seperate tank using the marble method.


I keep my tank in a room that isnt heated so the water isnt all that warm. My bedroom on the other hand is heated by a space heater and was wondering if i should move the fish into my heated room to keep the water temperature higher. If so, for how long should i leave them in my room?

the only other question is that after a few days of isolating the female am i supposed to then add cold water to trigger the mateing process or do i add warm water?

thank you so much everybody!!! :rolleyes:
I'm fairly new to the forums and no expert, but I would definitely get a heater. Danios can live through lot of begginer mistakes (from what I'm told) but they are still tropical fish. If the room isnt heated, I think its especially risky to do without a heater. Unless you live somewhere tropical maybe. :)
I've never bred my Danios, but I would assume that danio fry are gonne need heat especially.

If nothing else I'd move them, but moving an aquarium is risky business.

Either way, I hope the fish are doing well. Zebra Danios are a cool fish.

If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance.
To successfully breed danios this is what you can do.
1) Have a smaller, cycled, tank set up in advance (10 u.s. gallon will suffice). The tank should have a few layers of marbles or larger gravel in the bottom, so the parents can not get at the eggs.
2) Place the female(s) in this tank alone for 24hrs. After 24hrs add the males (A 2 males to 1 female ratio is best, but 1 to 1 will work)
3) Leave nature to do its thing. Spawning will normally occure at dawn but can happen at dusk. If not successfull on the first day leave for another 24 hrs.
4) Remove the parents back to your main tank and raise the temperature in the spawning tank to 81f/27c.
5) Day 2, you should see little fry hanging on the glass.
6) The fry become free swimming with in 36hrs of birth and should be fed on infusoria (liqued fry #1) for about a two weeks.
7) You can now feed the fry crushed flakes and/or baby brine shrimp.
8) When the fry are large enough, around 2 months, you can lower the temp to the normal settings and/or put in with adults.

there are other methods but I had most success with the above.
you'll note that a heater is only really needed to raise the fry quicker

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