Breeding Traits

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
Reaction score
What traits are passed over to the fry?

Dominant color: male or female?
Color pattern: male or female?
Caudal fin: male or female?
Dorsal fin: male or female?
Body type: male or female?

Sinuhe said:
As far as I know, none of those factors depend on the sex of the parent. Rather, the dominance of a trait depends on the gene: some colors are dominant over the others, and so on. Here is a link to site with a thorough explanation on how different traits are passed on to the fry:

Here's another link:
Excellent!!! Tenx!

A quote from the first site you mentioned:
"BUTTERFLY BETTAS are Bettas that have the mutant gene that causes variegated fins. The first color affected by this mutation was Red, but now Butterflies can be found in most of the other colors as well. Some Butterflies have fins that are almost totally Red except for the edges. Other Butterflies have almost completely Clear fins. There are Butterflies of all degrees in between. The ideal Butterfly pattern shows an equal division between Red and Clear on the fins. The variegated fin mutation is dominant but the effects are highly variable from fish to fish. Usually a spawning will produce a few outstanding Butterflies and many that do not have a very good pattern. To develop a Betta strain with the perfect Butterfly pattern would be a notable accomplishment for any breeder!"

So I guess Bachelor #2 instead of Merlot (#16) will have first shot at my cambodian female. I've narrowed down her prospects to these two guys.


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