Breeding Tips Required


channa aka snakehead
Dec 13, 2005
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Bournemouth Dorset / Medellin Colombia
ive got a blue female betta in tank with 2platys n 1 bleeding heart.....she is sooooo happy.....i had her in a 1ft tank with tyson the male betta red n blue...which i need to add were happy togther but coming on here every1 said seperate as im new 2 this :D i did.....was finking to put a pint glass in tank 3 3rds full with her in it......leave for 2 days to see what happens between this a goood whey to go? :alien:
First off,You need more tetras. but as for your betta breeding. Its a difficult process. First you'll need these supplies:

For you spawning tank:

1. Heater

2. Air Pump

3. Air Control Gang Valves

4. Airline tubing.

5. Air Stone

6. Lee's dual action sponge filter. (small)

7. Easy to read thermometer.

8. Plenty of plants. (I prefer Java Moss).

9. 2 x 5"- 6" planters. 10. Glass lantern chimney.

You will need at least a 5gallon tank for the breeding the bettas in. Then you must buy a tank depending on how many fry you will get will propably range from a 20gallon-50gallon tank, of course must be heated and filtered. After a month or 2 you will need to seperate the males from females, also called sexing. I cant tell you anymore since I dont know much anyways so I'll leave you there.
if you breed to fighters which are the same colour, do the fry come out the same colours as the parents or different?
Unless you know what colors their parents and grandparents were, then no there is no guarantee, the fry could turn out to be any color.

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