Breeding tank setup


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec
I'm trying to breed a pair of bettas if they survive through the weekend in the warehouse where they are stored because of a crappy shipping service. (long story...)

I'm setting up a 5 gallon tank with about 4-5 inches of water, heater is set and temp is a stable 79 degrees. I have silk plants on one end and a cycled sponge filter that will go in once the pair is ready to breed.

I wanted to know, should I add methylene blue to prevent the eggs from rotting?

This will be my first betta spawn attemp so wish me luck!!!
Well, to be blunt, you shouldn't worry about that right now. Please don't breed them as soon as they arrive,they'll both be extremely stressed.
wuvmybetta said:
Well, to be blunt, you shouldn't worry about that right now. Please don't breed them as soon as they arrive,they'll both be extremely stressed.
Amen. Let them rest a good few months and settle in and get happy.
I wasn't going to breed them right away
I'll be waiting at least 4 weeks afetr I get them before they are bred

I just wanted to know...
In that case, no you really won't need methylene blue because the father keeps the eggs clean and fungus free. If something goes wrong and you take Dad out,then you may want to put a very,very small amount of

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