Breeding Sterbai Corydoras


Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
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can anyone help me with breeding these.
like what conditions, foods and the experineces youve had?
also do they have to be on their own in a tank,?
what tank is fine for a trio of them??
thanks :good:
hi rocknurworld2006
iv never bred these mine are still juviniles but hopeing to do so at the end of the year
they do like the higher side of the temp i keep mine at 78oF and there fine
feeding i give them pellit ,flake,frozen bloodworms,dafnia,brineshrimp,tubafix so a good verid diet is great :good: 3 is ok but a bigger group ov maybe 6 would be better
id say minimum tank size would be 2ftx1ftx1ft but the bigger the better really with hiding places and some amozon sword plants with cool water changes to get them spawnig :good:
i keep my sterbias in groups of 6 +
they seem to breed after a big water change at least 5% lower than tank temp
i think you will need more than 3 the more the males chase her the more she seem to like it
so i would invest in another 3 at least
what is a good ratio for them to have??

im not sure if id be able to get 3 full; grown adults again as i got these privately.
and lfs sells young ones at half the size.
any ideas??

and do they need to be on their own to breed??
thanks :good:
5-6 is a considered a minimum Cory group with most species. One female is mandatory and one male, but 2 or 3 males is nice. The more the merrier; the merrier the party the more likely an orgy
5-6 is a considered a minimum Cory group with most species. One female is mandatory and one male, but 2 or 3 males is nice. The more the merrier; the merrier the party the more likely an orgy

more males or females

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