Breeding Snails


Jan 15, 2012
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I have a one gallon snail breeding tank going. It gets nightly water changes, no substrate, and the temp stays around 77. Today I moved the tank near a window and added two large live plants. Will they survive without any sand or gravel? One is Anubis, and the other a mystery plant. :/ Also, if any one had any tips or advice for snail breeding, please share! I have found three or four egg sacs, but they haven't hatched yet. How long does it take? I'm trying to get a jump start for my future puffers... :)
Oh, and could I put one of those tetra whisper in tank filters on there? Or will it suck up all the baby snails?
So is there a filter in there now or is that the reason behind your nightly water changes?


No filter, just a bubbler. :/ Would love to add one, just not sure how it would effect such a small tank. Wish I could upgrade, but being only 15, I have kind of already pushed my parents with a 55gal and a 5gal betta tank. :lol:

Keep the ph above 7, I had a load of MTS "melt" due to my substrate lowering the ph.

Will get the ph checked at my LFS this week! :) What did you do to correct the problem?
What kind of snails is it you're trying to breed?
Ah, ok. Unless it was running some small internal filter then it would be pretty straight forward i guess, bit i'm unsure how well they could live and breed with just water changes. Be interesting to see what answers there maybe to this...

I keep (and breed, I guess!) ramshorns in goldfish bowls. Each bowl has some sand and a piece of bogwood with Java fern and anubias on it.

Two or three times a week I take out the wood, put it to one side and clean out the bowl by swirling the sand round and pouring out the old water. I do that a few times, pouring it out through an old sieve so I don't lose any baby snails, until the sand is clean, then refill and put the wood (plus any snails from the sieve) back in. I feed them every other day.
One thing has become clear...
I'm a terrible snail breeder.
In said one gallon, all my snails seem to have died.
No ammonia, nitrates 10. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. At first I had three or four egg sacs, but they all seemed to dissolve and not hatch. This is a problem, as I have six SAPs that will be here Monday, and no snails...
I think I'm going to get a five gallon bucket for breeding instead, and build a sponge filter. I think I may order some ramshorn snails from aquabid to kick start the snail love bucket. Thoughts on this? The only Thing I'm worried about is temp. I live in Texas, and during the summer it's rare to get a day cooler than 95F. I have two live plants for the bucket, and I need then to get sun but also need to keep the temp stable. I can't keep the bucket in the garage because of the heat, so I guess I'll toss a lid on it and call it a table or something ;).
But seriously, any ideas? And does anyone have a website with a good sponge filter design? How do you know what sponges are safe?
Sorry for the bombardment of questions and ideas, but I'm just way behind on this...

These puffers better be worth this. >:D
So, I got a small filter and a tub today for snails. It's about 15 gallons, but obviously not filled up all the way..

So now I'm just waiting for it to cycle, using mature media from my fifty five. :)
Now I just need to find some snails...
Hope this works out this time!
You can add some shells to water to help with their shells and make sure they get plenty of different green foods.
You can add some shells to water to help with their shells and make sure they get plenty of different green foods.

Yeah, I have been researching about cuttle bones and think I may add one. :) I just added two live plants, and once the tank is cycled I'll order some ramshorn snails! :D

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