Breeding Silver Dollars


New Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Central NJ
Hey guys, i have 4 silver dollars ina 30 gallon tank. What do you think about me breeding them in there? is it possible? and if so what do i need to keep in mind and setup to make the MAGIC happen. also, could you guys help me out with sexing these fish. any help would be nice thank you.
Their not easy to spawn but it's possible, I've seen some at work breeding last year but the other fish just love to eat the eggs.

Females are larger and plumper than males.
Males have more red to the find
When not in breeding condition males have a speckled dorsal fin where the females are duller.

When breeding they need a large tank as they very active, at lest 5'. The female gets very active and the male's dose their best to stick to her side, they nip at her pelvic fins and this is a trigger for fer to release eggs and they then very quickly dash in amongst rocks and then suddenly the eggs are scattered.... next is the hard part...

You have t think about rearing the fry.... now you could get over 500 fry one fish so you may soon be thinking of extra tanks unless you just gonna try to rear a few, feeding the fry should be with newly hatched brine shrimp.
thanks my fish have some speckles on their dorsal fin i can see some for sure on one and i dont know about the other. and the other two dont have any so im thinking they are females because my biggest one doesnt have spots and like you said they are more plump.
so you think its impossible to breed them in a 30 gal?
30gallons....... No way, that's way to small for these fish they need at least 4 feet of clear space when their breeding or they hid the end of the tank.
Sexing Silver Dollars is as Heltersklelter already stated in their first post, just wanted to echo my opinion that a 30 gal tank is way too small for Silver Dollars. I have three Silver Dollars myself, don't breed them, and keep them in a 75 gallon. If you're wanting to breed them.....or even keep them long-term, especially with other fish in the tank, I'd definitely look into something bigger than a 30 gallon.

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