Breeding Shrimps


Feb 12, 2006
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Tampa, Florida, USA
i wanted to try breeding shrimp.

i have red cherry shrimp ghost shrimp and a type of prawn i think.

there all in 10 gallon planted tanks, seperatly of coarse, w/ spounge filters.

and one have any exp with breeding these. i know that both female prawns are eggy and 3 of the reds are also.

i have about 20 ghost shrimp in one tank and half are eggy. its been like this got a month and i havents seen any newborns.

the prawns have had eggs and then babys 3 times but NO free swimming ever.

am i doing something wrong. all tanks are cycled and ph is kept at 7.0

heres some pics of the prawns anyne know the speices?

Yes! I had one of those prawns, they're evil little bastards, catch fish with that claw, fast aswell - managed to puncture a thick fishbag with its claw when I was bringing him back!

They also apparently grow pretty huge.

For breeding, afaik you have to transfer the young to a brackish environment, then ween them off it after a while. Without brackish they die.
A little salt is essential, that is so true. I had a thread on my first hobby attempt at raising ghosts. All was well until they got over month old, then I had a fairly quick die-off. Something about salt is necessary for molting. I just added a pinch of iodized table salt to their 3-gallon tanks, and they started to molt repeatedly and grow much more quickly. So, with each water change I add a pinch of Morton's iodized table salt.

I may just use Jungle Aquarium Salt and some free iodide additive (Kent Marine or Seachem) in the future, as table salt has a very small amount of silicates in it.

v/r, N-A

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