Breeding setup for bristlenose pl*cos


Fish Gatherer
Sep 27, 2003
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I have 1 male and 3 female bristlenoses of varying sizes, but at around 1 year in age. The male has already spawned once in the community tank - I can see now about 7 sub-inch fries in the tank.

I'd like to setup a separate breeding tank. Out of the 3 females, one is much larger than the rest, probably even larger than the male!

I am planning to get 15g long (2ft), and probably place some PVC pipes. I will likely to use play-sand and AquaClear200 (sponge on the intake as soon as I detect eggs hatching).

Question 1: Do I need to block one end of the PVC pipe? I don't imagine they will feel safe in the two-way open ended tunnel. Theoretically I can use a cloth material and use elastic band to block one end. If I use a thin material, some water might even flow through.

Question 2: Can I use pool filter sand instead of play sand? Personally, I feel maintenance is easier on PFS if they like them as well.

Question 3: Which female? The largest one or the other females? I have no way of telling which one the male spawned with the first time around.

Question 4: Is 15g big enough? Can I get away with a lesser tank?

Question 5: Do you recomend any other decorations? I always like to have a large pile of java moss and/or java fern in all tanks as they tend to absorb some human errors and keep nitrate levels low.

Appreciate any feedback!
You want to add a peice of driftwood to the tank also. Plecos like to rasp on it and it aids their digestive tract. PVC pipe makes a great cave but one end needs to be closed off. Have you thought of using a small clay pot turned upside down with a portion of the side missing? Looks alot better then a white tube I must say. Java moss is welcome in any breeding setup. Its greta for the fry and contains micro organisms the babies like to snack on. The sand is also a good idea. Its easier on the tender bellies of the babies. Hope this helps ya!
Oops, forgot about driftwood - my community tank has a large one and they like to hang upside down on that piece of wood... In fact, the male found a little deep hole near the bottom of the wood (that I didn't even know it existed) and that is where it kept all babies away from my sight until now! :D

I'll look into the clay pots instead. Do you open up a hole at the side or at the top, assuming the pot is going to be placed up-side down? Also, how do you crack open a hole? I tried that a while back and the whole thing cracked on me twice! Threw away both... :D
I'd go with all 3 females... its them that spawn not the male, he just fertilises the eggs and looks after the fry. if they get into the swing of it he will have a constant supply of females ready to spawn :)

In my bristle tank (also 15gal) I have... here's an idea...


the bamboo tube is for when they get bigger - its closed at one end.
the PVC pipes were sunk into the gravel but he like to dig at the ends and soon opens the up.

the bogwood is their fave place to hide.

the plants at the back are fake - the ones at the front are real (anubis nana)

they spawned for the first time yesterday.. in the open! even mr bristle joined it the feeding :angry:

I'll close the ends of the pipes and they should use them in the future.
One thing I read from somewhere in the past - if you have too many females against a male, you might over-work the male, stressing him out. They virtually don't eat when they are looking after the eggs/fries, so you don't want them to jump too quickly to the next female before getting the rest...

True or false? :D
yhbae said:
One thing I read from somewhere in the past - if you have too many females against a male, you might over-work the male, stressing him out. They virtually don't eat when they are looking after the eggs/fries, so you don't want them to jump too quickly to the next female before getting the rest...

True or false? :D
makes sense... - 1 for 1 then

once they start breeding they will keep doing it...

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