Breeding Set Up?


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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i have a 10 gal tank with everything in it alll ready to go. use 2 have my cons in it but theya re in my 65 gal now. and i was wondering what is the best fish 2 breed for feeders. i guess it dont really matter if they inbreed cuz they just going 2 get eaten.

So pretty much.

-Which is the fastest breeding fish?

-how many should i get?

-what kinda items should i have for portection?
Guppies are pretty quick breeders and produce a lot of fry. They are the typicaly type of breeder fish. You could get like 1 male and 3 females OR 2 males and 4 females, however guppies breed quickly. So just be sure to have more females then males and you will be fine.

Good Luck :good:
i have a 10 gal tank with everything in it alll ready to go. use 2 have my cons in it but theya re in my 65 gal now. and i was wondering what is the best fish 2 breed for feeders. i guess it dont really matter if they inbreed cuz they just going 2 get eaten.

So pretty much.

-Which is the fastest breeding fish?

-how many should i get?

-what kinda items should i have for portection?

Hi I breed guppies and plattys, these fish do breed fast although have alot of disease factors....I have been breeding now for nearly a year and have had alot of problems...although now it has settled and I now have 121 fry of all different ages in my fry tank a 30litre and I also have teenage fry in my main breeding tank. My main tank is 73 litres, I have lots of hiding places so when fry drop they have places to hide until they are transfered to fry tank.

I suggest when you buy your breeder fish you purchase 5 female to 2 male. This way when your females are dropping babies the males can harass the other females. Because male guppies are always sporting to mate and always on the females tails.

If you have any further questions please write me a post Im happy to share my experiences and knoweledge with you.

Here is a pic of my fry...they were moved into portable while a new rock was placed in fry tank...this allowed us to do a fry count when putting back into their tank.


sweet thanks alot for all the advise just 1 more question i guess

how long would it take for the fry 2 get bigg enough 2 be feeder size for my 6 in oscar.
I would say around 2 months would be good or at least a good snack.
I would go with the regular feeder guppies - not only are they MUCH cheaper, they are a lot hardier...I've had them survive in all kinds of conditions when I was just a kid and didn't know how to take care of fish. They also breed prolifically and a few dollars worth will get you hundreds in the end.
sweet thanks alot for all the advise just 1 more question i guess

how long would it take for the fry 2 get bigg enough 2 be feeder size for my 6 in oscar.

Hi again... I use fry food to feed up my has fatty stuff in it to promote growth. I would say 2 months - 3 months old would be a good size treat without being too small. I have noticed people who breed gups and dont feed properly often have smallish fry. I feed mine fry food and also baby shrimp brine and frozen vegies etc.

If you buy a bag of feeder food...normally you will get plattys or guppies. Buy them as feeders then start using them to breed...that way starting out will be inexpensive. Just might take you a little longer to get established. Guppies are not expensive...normally about $3.30 a female and and extra dollar for males.

I hoped you liked my fry pics.
i have some 3 month old and the females are near full size so, i'd say as long as they can go down in one otherwise they would be suffereing
thanks again. me my self i aint to worried about the priceing of fish my girlfriend works at a petstore with livestock but she gets cost on everything so.. instead of paying 3 dallors for something i get it for 8 cents

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