Breeding Rosy Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2007
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I have a pair of 2 female and 2 male rosy barbs in a 30 gallon tank with 3 black swordtails.
We purchased them recently and have them in a tank with some driftwood, rocks and Java moss.
I got up early this morning to do a feeding and noticed immediately that my male rosy reds had lost the black dots on their rear fins (well one was gone, one was mostly faded) and that they were each paired with a female. One of the pairs seemed content to swim about, while the other male chased the female relentlessly occaisionally rubbing bodies together. He seemed to also be nipping at her belly. I didn't see any eggs being released, and Im pretty sure that my barbs are too young to be breeding at only an inch or so long. Are my barbs just practicing or was that really spawning that I saw going on? My female barbs are more rounded than the males but I wouldn't say its noticeable enough to assume their carrying loads of eggs.

What is going on? Also, if anyone has any general experience with Rosy Barbs, any advice for keeping/breeding them would be much appreciated!

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