breeding red german peacocks?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2004
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I got a breeding pair of red german peacock cichlids (i think the name is Aulonocara Maleri). I'd like to know as much as i can to be able to breed them! right now, i have them in a fully cycled 55 gallon with perfect water and 3 electric yellows (labidochromis caeruleus). What can i do to get them to breed? how long? what are the "signs"? any info would help a TON!! :-D thanks in advance!
Barry White.

No no no....just kidding, I would do just as you would with pretty much any fish......spoil them rotten with REALLY good food....brine, bloodworms, stuff like that...Peacocks are very easy to breed, however, you only have 2? That may be a problem, because the male will harass the female even after she has spawned and is holding, you may want to pull her after they have spawned and let her incubate them alone.....if not she may either spit them out, or eat them :crazy:

Good Luck!

Chris :flex:
I agree with mike about the harassment, getting a couple of females would be the best thing you can do for that female. The feeding live food helps too, but I recommend avoiding worms for rift lake fish, and going with invertabrates like brine and mysis instead.

Otherwise keep things clean and they will do the rest of the work themselves.
How do I know they have spawned so that I can separate the female? I am going to add A TON of decoration to the tank because I have heard that is also helpful.
With more females and lots of hiding spots you can leave the female to hold in the tank. It is actually less stressful for her to stay where she is, unless she is really getting harassed. You know they have spawned because the female will look like her mouth is full of chewing gum, and she'll stop eating.
cichlid addict, is that a maleri on ur "profile picture" thing? B)

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