Breeding Red-Eye Tetras


Aug 21, 2004
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Oak Lake
Has anyone ever bred Red-eyes? I would like to try, and I will Google it, but I find that people on here are so much more helpful than Google.
I've never bred them, but have several related species, and would not expect them to be any different. Soft, mildly acidic water. Males and females seperated and well conditioned with quality food for a few weeks. Decent sized tank with several bunches of feathery plants or spwning mops. Water level of perhaps 200mm. Around 25C. Introduce the female the day before spawning. Male late in the evening and lights out, or cover the tank so it is dark.

Rarely fails with that kind of fish, spawn at first light. Will eat the eggs, so watch, and as soon as they stop spawning, remove them. Eggs will hatch in a day or so, free swimming 5-7 days later. Couple of well matured sponge filters go in. Liquid fry food and Artemia until they are large enough to take powdered flake.

The biggest problem with breeding tetras is getting good specimens, getting them up to a good size and into good condition, and maintaining optimum water conditions, (and sexing the wretched things!).
Arrghh...The wretched things. They already spawned. Theyve spawned before, but I wanted to get them into optimum condition. O well, hope springs eternal.

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