Breeding Rainbows

Rafael Dilone

Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Well I have 3 Praocox Rainbows. Recently I have notice that the male has beeen chasing the female a lot. Also have notice that there colors have brighten emensly. So as I was watching them today in the mourning I have notice that they were really close(the male and female rainbows) together and all of a sudden a see a release of 8 or so eggs in the the water. The sad thing is that the filter sucked them up. I assume that they lay there eggs on plants or a flat surface. But my tank has artificial plants and real rocks. So I will like to know if they are breeding. Also how to make them breed succesful. I would like to breed them in the future. All I know about breeding them is that the female releases the eggs everyday for the course of a week.
Well the female Rainbow has continued to release the eggs every day so far for 3 days and it always happens in the mourning. Some of the eggs got attach to the aquaclear extension tube so I removed it into a isolator were the eggs will hopefully hatch. These will be the only eggs I would probably be able to save. Also the eggs look like if they are attach to each other and they are transparent. Do these look like proper eggs?
i don't know much about rainbows but that's awsome that there breeding and make sure you have daphia or brineshrimp ready if they hatch. I think clear is right because if they are white then they were not fertilized. i'm not possitive though.
Add some acrylic yarn spawning mops attached to a cork.
Harvest the eggs daily from the mops (gently using your fingers) and place in a marg tub floated in the parent tank.


The fry hatch in around 10 days and will need infusoria followed by vinegar eel, microworms and newly hatched brineshrimp.
Well today when I woke up I went to turn on the lights of my tank and I notice that I saw 2 Praecox Rainbow fry. But the thing is there are still many many more eggs that have not hatch yet. Is it possible that some hatch later than others. I know I took one batch of eggs one day and another batch another a day apart from the first batch. The problem is I have been looking for Infusoria everywere and cant find it anywhere. I have tryed alot of places. Tommorow I am going to another aquarium store to see if they have any. In case I cant find any Infusoria what else can Rainbow fish fry eat. All I have is the food I feed my livebearer fry which is baby bites, baby brine shrimp, and crushed freeze dried blood worms.
Congratulations on your fry. My Praecox are coming from Trimar hopefully on Tuesday! After alot of research, now they have started laying eggs, you can expect between 5-10 eggs daily. I have got this information from various different books and online sources. :)
Well today when I woke up I went to turn on the lights of my tank and I notice that I saw 2 Praecox Rainbow fry. But the thing is there are still many many more eggs that have not hatch yet. Is it possible that some hatch later than others. I know I took one batch of eggs one day and another batch another a day apart from the first batch. The problem is I have been looking for Infusoria everywere and cant find it anywhere. I have tryed alot of places. Tommorow I am going to another aquarium store to see if they have any. In case I cant find any Infusoria what else can Rainbow fish fry eat. All I have is the food I feed my livebearer fry which is baby bites, baby brine shrimp, and crushed freeze dried blood worms.

Yes it's possible. Since eggs are deposited daily, you never know how long the eggs were in the tank to begin with. I discovered several fry in my quarantine tank yesterday, and I had no idea the M. praecox that I had in there for a few days had spawned while there. So now I got a surprise batch of fry, and I'm totally unprepared as regards to food. Makes it interesting of course.

If you can find infusoria, add a whole lot of plants to the fry tank. Specifally hornwort or others fine leaved plants. Some algea can help also. Put a transparent bucket of aquarium water in direct sunlight and hope for green water. That'll feed your fry for a few days as well.

One tip though, do NOT change water in the fry tank for at least 2 weeks. Even if you think it's getting real dirty. Waterchanges are one of the most frequent "rainbow fry killers". They are very sensitive to changes in PH, NO3, GH, KH, etc. in those first weeks.

Good luck! Keep us posted, and you might find some additional info on my rainbow-only forum (link in signature).

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